We've Moved!

27 November 2010

Advent 2010 - Daily Reflections

On behalf of the staff and board of the Center for FaithJustice, welcome to our Advent Reflection Guide! We have asked a number of wonderful people to offer a brief reflection on the daily readings. I must admit, I am both impressed and inspired by the reflections to follow over the coming weeks. I think you will be too! My hope is that we, as an extended community, might take a few minutes each day of Advent to pray with the readings and meditate on the reflection. In doing so, together preparing for the Incarnation, we share an experience that binds us as a community of faith.

It is true that the Center for FaithJustice requires the support of a great many people to continue our work. There is, however, a deeper reality, rooted in our mission. More than any programming goals, we seek to build a broad community marked by love and friendship, a “place” where all are welcome, to foster a commitment to a faith that strives for justice and serves those in need. CFJ is comprised of people from diverse walks of life, but we believe that God is calling each and every one of us.

As we journey together this Advent, let us open our arms to those for whom this time of year is marked by loneliness or despair. Likewise, let us open our hearts to those who, in this season of overconsumption, lack even the most basic of needs (much less the means for elaborate gifts). This guide is dedicated to all those who support CFJ through their time, talent and treasure. Thank you for all you have done and continue to do. Be assured you are remembered in our weekly prayer and that our door is always open to you, your family, and to anyone those seeking a community of faith that does justice. Your support is appreciated, your friendship sustains us. You are, for us, a sign of hope, a revelation of God at work in the world. For that, we are eternally grateful.

Peace on your journey,
Sean Patrick Sanford
Executive Director