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Asher Brown, age 13. Seth Walsh, age 13. Tyler Clementi, age 18. Young men who took their lives rather than face what our society had in store for them as homosexuals. Instead of working to curb intolerance and bullying, there are some who claim that school anti-bullying programs that advocate tolerance are part of the “gay agenda,” and therefore should be tossed out.
Yet Jesus, who holds out his arms to love us on the cross, demonstrates love of all. He tells us that just saying, “Lord, Lord” will not get us into the Kingdom of Heaven. Nor will it build the Reign of God. It is in the listening and acting on his words that we build a firm foundation. Theologian Richard Rohr says, “Jesus’ concept of the Reign of God is totally positive – not fear based or against any individual, group, sin or problem.” The strongest house is the one that is built on love, acceptance, respect and justice. Jesus embodies these building blocks. He died so we can be free to live them. So, in this prayerful Advent season, let us remember and pray for all of God’s children: the bullies and the bullied, the troubled and the troublers, the questioners and the questioned. Let us watch and wait as the Incarnate Word, Emmanuel, God-with-us, Jesus, arrives on the scene to show us how to build. Then let us continue to work to build a world in which we all can live in God’s peace.
- Christine Barranco is a pastoral associate at the Church of St. Ann (Lawrenceville, NJ).