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Dark clouds, moist air, umbrellas and raincoats usher in our celebration of autumn, and we say farewell to a time that has passed away. Although some may consider it to be gloomy, it is also a season that recognizes the need to die in order to be born again. It recognizes that in shedding the old, it welcomes the potential of being every greater than before. Advent is a season that proclaims the coming of God in all His glory, and it connects all of humanity to the Divine through one man, Jesus.
Today’s Scripture reveals that the love of God is close to the brokenhearted. The love of God is close to those who depend on the generosity of others, and to those who need healing of guilt, shame and sin. The Lord hears the cry of the poor and we, as His co-workers, are called to reply to that cry.
Our reply to the cries of our poor brothers and sisters is not just a choice, but it is an honor. Our response extends God’s love to us toward others. The Gospel teaches that all of us are called, and that the ultimate testament of our faithfulness to our loving God is not in what we say, but it is the way we act.
Many are called, but few are chosen – to be chosen is to choose to do in love as God has done for each of us, which ultimately is to offer a life to save another. Love is a choice, not merely a feeling. Understanding this means to choose love even when we may at first not want to. It is choosing love even when we do not feel worthy or capable. To act in love is to recognize that although we may not be able to act alone, there is a God born during this season who is more concerned with our availability than our ability. Today, we are called to act as God did in shedding the old to usher in the new life of His Beloved Son.
- Widian Nicola is a program coordinator at the Center for FaithJustice.