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As I read the first reading, I hear God boldly whispering to me, "Let go all of life's disappointments. I am here – smile! I love you and always will." I need that encouragement in the midst of my daily struggles and doubts. It takes so much trust in the Lord to remember the Lord’s love in the midst of life's ups and downs. My faith has been supported by my family, friends, and community at the Center for Faithjustice. Yet when I am alone in a difficult spot, I need the scriptures’ reminders that there is much to rejoice in and God is worthy of my trust.
In the gospel, Jesus makes the point that John the Baptist, the one who has prepared His way, is not robed in fine linens in the desert and is less than the least of those in the Kingdom of God. What does this say about me preparing for Christ to come into my heart in a new way this Advent? I think Jesus is saying that embracing Him has nothing to do with material things. My clothes, apartment, grades, salary, computer, and car have nothing to do with my ability to prepare for Jesus this Advent or prepare for God's kingdom. This gospel message rings true to my experience. I have found God and felt the presence of holiness in my family, friends, and a middle-aged woman at a meal program. My life may be a mess right now, but John the Baptist prepared the way for Jesus in a desert. I do not need anything but faith, hope, and love to prepare to celebrate Christ this Christmas. Thank God...literally.
- Dayna Pizzigoni is a member of the Center for FaithJustice’s Board of Trustees and a LeaderworX alumna